“All Roads Lead To Change”

Originally appeared on Facebook January 2, 2021: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1015446085614352&set=gm.2878620482422410

“All Roads Lead To Change”
By: Don Xander

Thoughts ran through my brain,
As I stepped off the train,
Hadn’t seen her for Oh so long.
She said she would wait,
So I thought she was late,
Never thinking that something was wrong.

But she never came,
To the site of the train,
So I’d go to her, I thought maybe.
So I walked into town,
It was just two miles down,
And I was fresh out of the Navy.

I was a bit fraught,
Cause the girl that I sought,
Said she would be there for me.
But she wasn’t that day,
Hoping she was Okay,
And shortly the answer I’d see.

I walked to the door,
Knocked three times or more,
And her sister appeared front of me.
She said “Linda’s not here,
Hasn’t been for a year.”
And I said, “How Could That Be?”

“In the letters she sent,
She said all her time spent,
Was here waiting for me.”
Then her sister Jane,
Softly refrained ,
“I’m sorry those all came from me.”

I was soon to learn,
That my love had been spurned,
She ran off with my best friend Moe.
And that she had married,
A child she now carried,
Jane said, “Sorry I couldn’t let you know.”

Well I was heart broken,
By the words Jane had spoken,
She had touched on my worst fear.
And would she realize,
That I started to cry,
As I tried to hold back the tears.

She said “What can I do,
Because I’m fond of you.
And, I can’t bear to see you in pain.”
“Nothing,” I said
As I turned and fled.
Cause I knew I couldn’t remain.

She called out to me,
As I started to flee,
And, she ran after me down the lane.
I didn’t reply,
As tears filled my eyes,
Were objects that I could not feign.

Now three months or more,
The pain that I bore,
Was soothed at a bar with a drink,
I’d be there too often,
And I tried to soften,
At least that is what I would think.

Then one night she walked in,
Looking hotter than sin,
And came up to me at the bar.
She said “Hello,
How are you Joe,
I wanted to see how you are.”

I said “I’m Okay,
You look great today,
Jane, is this really you?”
She said “Can we go,
To someplace I know,”
I rose and I put down my brew.

She smiled and we walked,
And continued to talk,
About almost every thing.
She was easy to please,
And moments like these.
Were enough to make my heart sing.

Many months passed us by,
We saw eye to eye,
I loved her and couldn’t let go.
It was her that would query,
With words I hold dearly,
“Would you marry me, I have to know?”

Now I replied,
“With you by my side,
I can now really understand.”
“I want you to know,
You had me at hello,
And that this was all God’s plan.”

Well it’s been 50 years,
With blood, sweat, and tears,
With you my loving wife.
Although it sounds strange,
I wouldn’t change,
All the roads I took in my life!